Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018

AETERNUM new technology for intellectual property

Along with the development of blockhain technology over a period of time is growing rapidly and globally. There are so many projects that use Blockhain Technology to support the project to be better in the future. This time there is a new project again with an amazing idea that wants to connect the world with Cryptocurrency. The name of this Project is Aeternum.
This Aeternum project makes it easy for investors to invest and make a profit


Look at the device you're currently using to read this white paper and imagine the scientist who first thought of the possibility of creating something really amazing. Without the curiosity of the human mind and the dedication of thousands of scientists, we will remain in the cave and you will not read this proposal. Then think about John - a young and aspiring scientist who wakes up one morning with the idea of ​​Superdrug that will cure cancer forever. She ate her breakfast and went to the company lab and told the idea to her boss. However, his idea ultimately failed to be executed because he had to resume his daily transactions for the company and the company was not interested in trying out the risky notions of young and inexperienced scientists.

Our mission

Our goal is to create a platform, where individuals will be able to invest in intellectual property rights of scientists around the world. This platform will be open to anyone who has Aeternum Token not just a select group of investors and no contribution is too small to reap the benefits of deep science project realization.


 AETERNUM is a new blockchain based platform created as a place of investment Developing the world of science, they offer fund management systems to investors for cryptourrency not only that Aeternum also gives us the opportunity to invest in some invention, innovation, and world invention. The greatest science of the future that might change the world. they make smart compatibility contracts with ERC20 as their currency, known as AETERNUM token (ALF), AETERNUM gives a very conservative so traders will get long-term benefits in their investment, ALF Token as a tool in sales will be used as BitLats payments. With its conservative structure and approach, Aeternum makes transactions and investments with a balanced vision.

Why invest in this project?

Value proposition for holders of aeturn tokens

BitLats: The new crypto currencies supported by early science and their intellectual property in turn result in a constant increase in demand for the currency and therefore an increase in value.
Aeterum: Make an investment in this project open to all people who have Aeternum Token. Investments will be made exclusively through BitLat.
Aeternum Finance App: Create financial applications and use BitLats as the core exchange mechanism in smart cities.
Smart City: Create a physical ecosystem for the development of this project. The exchange of service items in Smart City will be done with BitLats.
Value proposition for holders of aeturn tokens

Aeternum Exchange Platform
An easy-to-use crypto exchange that combines social commerce with decentralized architecture to help people safely redeem the crypto assets.
The new crypto currency supported by beginners of working science and their intellectual property in turn resulted in a constant rise in currency demand and hence increased its value.
investment Aeterum
Make an investment in this project open to everyone who owns Aeternum Token. Investments will be made exclusively through BitLat.
Aeternum Financial Applications
Create financial applications and use BitLats as the core exchange mechanism in smart cities.
Smart City
Create a physical ecosystem for the development of these projects. The exchange of service items in Smart City will be done with BitLats.


99% of all in-depth science startups are included in major research centers which in turn are owned by large corporations, but not humans.
86.2% of the world's wealth is in the hands of 8.2% of the population and this difference is increasing.
The remaining 91.8% of people live to fight for basic income.

The solution

Aeternum ecosystem
It is a knowledge-based ecosystem created for scientific development and human interaction.

-We have over 50 scientific-based startup innovations to be displayed on the community funding platform. You can be a part of innovation that will change the world in the future.

Everyone can choose deep science innovations to start and invest in the initial level to help drive startup to the way out and earn from it. Your investment will be protected by patents and IP. Also, you will see the prototype as well.

Main products Forever

1. Science is driven by the crowd-funding platform
2. Eternal Financial Applications
3. BitLats: new IP cryptocurrency
4. Exchange Platform

For Financial Applications

In this modern era, comfort and speed are key factors. It is important that all available information is in one place and currently the media is a smart phone.
For successful applications of ecosystem applications and virtual platforms will be created.

financial forever

feature list of apps:

- Daily Transaction Smartphone Payments from Offline Mobile Apps.

- Services. Integration with selected third-party service providers.

- Asset management. Opportunity to invest money on a promising startup.

- Multi wallet. Crypto and Fiat currency in one place.

- Multi token wallet Storage space for various token platforms.

- Redeem. Fiat, currency crypto and token and management.

- Direct sales. User to exchange crypto and user token.

- multisignature safes

- Segwit ready

- many languages

- P2P and direct loans to users of the Aeternum Ecosystem

- loyalty service

- Open API

Your rating

No cost, best value, fiat payment management (VISA, Master card)

For the successful application of ecosystem applications and virtual platforms will be created.
Aeternum Smart City app

We will create a one-stop, easy-to-use app for all Aeternum users.


1 ALF = 0.01 EUR
Hard Cap: 3M EUR
Already completed:
Aeternumn Concept;
enduring bond;
Agreement with The Freeport of Ventspils;
International Innovation Agreement
Agreement with Commercialization Reactor;
Agreement with ROTA Technology Innovation
Forever crowdfunding platforms;
Effects forever;
The Eternal that it Finance mobile applications;
Blockchains (bitlats);
Legal framework for the Aeternum Fund;
Scrawl deep science startups to be
Smart City concept forever

2018/05/01. until 01.06.2018.

Round 1 - Forever Fund

The price of a planned Token is not less than
0.02 EUR
Already completed:
Forever crowdfunding platforms;
lasting Exchange
The Eternal that it Finance mobile applications;
forever Dana
Agreement with projects to be
Smart City concept forever
Land lease agreement with The
Freeport from Ventspils;
Smart city business plan;
Raise funds for Aeternum Fund & Deep
Startup science.

2018/01/10. until 01.11.2018.

Round 2 - Aeternum Smart City

Already completed:
Successfully fund science projects;
A clear development plan for all eternity
Smart City.
Raise funds for development
Smart City forever;



Website: https://www.aeternum.io/en
Whitepaper: https://www.aeternum.io/uploads/source/Aeternum%20ICO%20One%20Pager%20v%20v2.202.2.web-20180208124432.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AeternumICO
Telegram: https://t.me/AeternumICO
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Senin, 17 September 2018

Korupsi Dana korban gempa Lombok untuk pembangunan Sekolah dan rumah sakit

Bencana gempa bumi di pulau Lombok yang mengundang simpati dari masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia dan mendorong munculnya berbagai jenis bantuan pada para korban. Sayangnya, kisah ini dinodai dengan kelakuan tidak terpuji oknum pejabat daerah setempat

Polda Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan Kejaksaan Negeri Mataram menangkap tangan seorang anggota DPRD Kota Mataram berinisial HM (Koruptor bencana lombok) lantaran diduga telah menyelewengkan dana bantuan bencana gempa Lombok. Kabar tersebut tentunya menyakitkan bagi masyarakat Lombok yang saat ini masih hidup di tenda-tenda pengungsian karena rumah mereka hancur akibat gempa beberapa waktu lalu.

Ahli hukum pidana Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) Hibnu Nugroho menyebut Anggota DPRD Mataram berinisial HM bisa dihukum mati. HM kena OTT jaksa karena diduga memeras dana bantuan rehabilitasi fasilitas pendidikan akibat bencana gempa Lombok.
Menurut Hibnu, penegak hukum bisa mendakwa HS dengan Pasal 2 ayat 2 UU Tipikor. “Kalau kita lihat memang kejahatan (HM) itu dilakukan dalam koteks bencana alam, penanggulangan bencana alam. Dalam UU Korupsi dimungkinkan seseorang yang melakukan kejahatan dalam situasi, ayat 2 itu, karena situasi, satu, keadaan krisis ekonomi, kemudian bencana alam, itu bisa dilakukan dengan hukuman mati.
Korupsi dana bantuan bencana ini hukumannya sangat berat, hingga hukuman mati. Hal ini sudah secara jelas tercantum di dalam Undang-undang nomor 31 tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (UU Tipikor). Ancaman hukuman mati tersebut tercantum di dalam pasal 2 UU Tipikor yang bunyinya sebagai berikut.

Ayat 1

Setiap orang yang secara melawan hukum melakukan perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain yang suatu korporasi yang dapat merugikan keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara, dipidana dengan pidana penjara seumur hidup atau pidana penjara paling singkat 4 (empat) tahun dan paling lama 20 (dua puluh) tahun dan denda paling sedikit Rp. (dua ratus juta rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp.,00 (satu miliar rupiah).

Ayat 2

Dalam hal tindak pidana korupsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dilakukan dalam keadaan tertentu pidana mati dapat dijatuhkan.
Kemudian dalam penjelasan pasal di UU tersebut dikatakan, klausul ‘keadaan tertentu’ dalam pasal 2 ayat (2) ini dimaksudkan sebagai pemberatan bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi apabila tindak pidana tersebut dilakukan pada waktu negara dalam keadaan bahaya sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku, pada waktu terjadi bencana alam nasional, sebagai pengulangan tindak pidana korupsi, atau pada waktu negara dalam keadaan krisis ekonomi dan moneter.

Gubernur NTB Tuan Guru Bajang Zainul Majdi  atau yang akrab dipanggil TGB angkat bicara mengenai persoalan ini,
“Dana gempa? Itu kejadian? Kapan kejadiannya? Dia siapa ya?” kata TGB di peluncuran buku TGBNomics di Hotel Ayana, Jakpus, Jumat (10/9).
TGB menilai, perbuatan tersebut merupakan tindakan yang sangat tercela. Sebab, hingga saat ini masih banyak korban gempa Lombok yang asih menanti uluran tangan.
“Menurut saya itu sesuatu hal yang betul tercela dan sama sekali tidak kita harapkan. Sesungguhnya, kalau dalam situasi bencana seperti ini justru perangkat pemerintah harus memaksimalkan fasilitas untuk masyarakat yang membutuhkan,” lanjutnya.
Ia juga mengimbau agar pejabat lain di NTB bisa lebih mengutamakan korban gempa Lombok. Tak hanya itu, ia juga berharap pejabat setempat bisa mempermudah akses agar bantuan bisa sampai langsung ke masyarakat.
“Tidak boleh ada hal-hal yang, apalagi berupa manipulasi, penggelapan, penyuapan, korupsi, terhadap dana bantuan untuk korban gempa. Jadi kita serahkan kasus ini pada proses hukum,” pungkasnya.

Semoga mendapatkan hukuman yang sesuai di harapkan masyarakat NTB 
sungguh tidak punya hati nurani , kami sedang di landa bencana masih bisa dia menari untuk mencari kesempatan . untuk korupsi Sungguh sangat Tega ,, 

'' Semoga Perbuatan H MUHIR di balas oleh ALLAH SWT''

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Minggu, 29 April 2018

WELL- Health project for your health consultation

    Along with the development of technology blockhain from time to time more rapidly and worldwide. There are so many projects that use Blockhain Technology to support the project for the better future. This time there is a new project again with an incredible idea that wants to connect the world with Cryptocurrency. The name of this Project is WELL a health project
maybe you have started curious with this well project let's clarify more deeply what is a well project

What is WELL

WELL project wants to create a good communication to everyone in the world where all doctors can connect with you for health consultation

 About WELL

WELL is globalizing healthcare and eliminating country borders to directly connect doctors, therapists, psychologists and other healthcare specialists to patients worldwide.

We are creating WELL tokens to solve the world’s biggest healthcare issues surrounding cross-border payments, data accessibility and payment risk. We’re making it possible for the highest quality healthcare providers to serve anyone, anywhere.

Here are some obstacles that may be resolved by this well project we may have to clarify again for all the problems


Access to quality medical services is either very expensive or impossible, due to the geographical distance from a patient’s residence. High prices for medical services are a result of unnecessary bureaucracy and inefficiencies of insurance companies and healthcare systems. High-class medical specialists can be located outside of a patient’s city or even outside their home country in many parts of the world.


Have 24/7/365 access to healthcare service. WELL is a global network of multilingual doctors and specialists. Patients receive medical support in their native language from leading doctors wherever they are in the world. WELL's low-cost business model can generate a price reduction of approximately 30%. WELL patients receive advice from leading medical specialists for far less than the price of a personal appointment with a doctor.
with some ideas on this well project created by taking into account the advantages of many people and utilizing this sophisticated technology in order to benefit the society

Well Health Token

Why choose well.?

We believe in the utility of WELL token and will work with various members of the network to utilize the use of the token.

Key Advantages:

1.WELL network’s frictionless transactions encourages engagement and growth
2. Working product and fast-growing network of patients and doctors
3. Ability for crypto investors to diversify their holdings to include a token that can be used to benefit not only their own health, but the health of their loved ones
4. Global reach and the multilingual capabilities of the platform
5. Free distribution of the platform and strong social mission which empowers nonprofits
6. Limited issuance of WELL tokens
7. Wide variety of token usage within the system which creates a high-demand for tokens
8. Possibility of partnerships with government institutions and other profitable business models

Info Token

  1. Hard Cap US $28 Million
  2. Private pre-sale US $3M
  3. Pre-sale $0.1 per WELL token
  4. Public sale $0.1 per WELL token
  5. Actual bonus: 20%
  6. Purchase Tokens

Bonus schedule

Info Global well

The global telehealth market is projected to reach $113 billion by 2025, growing at an average of 18.3% annually.

Road Map

Info Team

More Info

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Jumat, 20 April 2018

BIDIUM -Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform

A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange project that has value for potential investors or investors is one of the projects that will increase rapidly as fluctuations in digital asset exchange have increased significantly earlier this year. This network definition uses a somewhat unique theme from other blockchain platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a higher profit value than the capital required in modern digital asset trading.

this project is named BIDIUM, let me explain about this great project

Introducing what is BIDIUM

BIDIUM is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange which combines the power of Advance Auction with Freelance Hiring on top of Blockchain Technology. It acts as a bidding marketplace for buyers to buy by bidding and a freelance platform to employers, who are looking to hire freelancers.

The platform offers an adequate exchange solution along with an effective freelance platform backed up with an interactive interface to make it a delightful experience for the users.


Discover the Bidium Difference!

BIDIUM is proposed as a completely decentralized exchange by utilizing already existing blockchain application. Decentralization allows the use of network on peer-to-peer basis.
Each individual user of Auction and Freelance platform will have their own copy of the data.

Transactions will be done by the customer at their preferred time in the marketplace; Cryptocurrency can also be sold to our community market makers for cash.
The BIDIUM token can be transferred to two other parties as payment for goods and services after 
bids for 

Cost Effectiveness
BIDIUM token is cost effective and minimizes time.
You will only be charged a little or no amount thereby making you deploy a payment service of your own
Immediatate Payment
It enables the transfer of money with the aid of smart contracts that are regulated. There are some things that will help you to keep the address of the receiver in mind.
This makes the transfer of money a seamless exercise.

Peer to Peer Payment
BIDIUM uses integrated mobile wallet which is basically for the receiving and sending of payments.
This shows that you will be able to transfer the funds in the bid marketplace in a bid marketplace in a secured and improved manner without requiring any document or possessing a bank account

Secure Wallet
BIDIUM uses integrated mobile wallet which is basically for the receiving and sending of payments. This shows that you will be able to transfer the funds in the bid marketplace in a bid marketplace in a secured and improved manner without requiring any document or possessing a bank account  .



Info Token BIDIUM

The revenue will be distributed among all BIDM token holders i.e. usually stored on the BIDIUM wallet. The platform facilitates light and fast trading technique with 50% generated revenue from trading. 

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Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Helbiz is a peer-to-peer market that makes Transport rentals

WHAT IS HELBIZ?Helbiz is a peer-to-peer market that makes car, motorbike or bicycle rental convenient, affordable and rewarding. It combines a familiar approach of carsharing in the transportation sector with Blockchain technology. Its mobility ecosystem will soon provide access to individual vehicles as well as fleets and other transportation services. The Helbiz Mobility System is a platform based on Ethereal Blockchain and is supported by the HelbizCoin token (HBZ).Helbiz coincidentally was the first company to adopt HelbizCoin and Helbiz Mobility System, a platform that would be open to other companies with interests in mobility-related services (eg insurance companies) and willing to join the Blockchain revolution using D Apps data and building (Decentralization of Apps) on top of the Helbiz Mobility System. HelbizCoin is an ERC20 token that aims to be the method of choice to pay for transport services through the Ethereal Blockchain and to access the service ecosystem provided by the Helbiz Mobility System. The application of cryptocurrencies will have an impact on how we access future mobility services and HelbizCoin is ready to play a leading role in this new era of transportation and the shared economy.

HELBIZ VISIONHelbiz is an integrated mobility ecosystem with a customer centric approach, comprising Helbiz, peer-to-peer vehicle sharing applications, and Helbiz Mobility System, a platform on the Etaceum blockade that is open to other companies with an interest in mobility-related services that utilize blockchain technology (eg insurance companies) supported by the original HelbizCoin (HBZ). Helbiz will be the first company to adopt HelbizCoin and utilize the Helbiz Mobility System, which wants to combine the familiar approach of automobile sharing in the transportation sector with Blockchain technology. Our mobility ecosystem will soon provide access to vehicles, fleets and other transportation services as well as control over data sharing.Its Blockchain technology enables the registration of all services, of all services provided through platforms and transactions between owners, operators and external service providers automatically processed through an original payment system based on their use.The most important economic technological giant of exchange, Uber and Airbnb, is often cited as an example of a collaborative economy, but one can argue that the platform is not a centralized platform. The precise definition of a collaborative ecosystem of economy will be one in which technology enables people and companies to share their resources and data and, if they wish, receive the appropriate payouts.The Helbiz platform will enable all parties involved to get rewarded for their contribution into the mobility ecosystem, as Blockchain technology will permit to verify every single input, whether derived from corporate or individual authority.


The Helbiz Mobility System is a platform based on Ethereal Blockchain and is supported by the HelbizCoin token. Helbiz will be the first company to adopt HelbizCoin and utilize the Helbiz Mobility System, a platform that will be open to other companies with an interest in mobility-related services and willing to join the Blockchain revolution using data and building dApps (Application Decentralization) over the Helbiz Mobility System.

General description
This system connects car owners, renters and service providers through simple, easy to use interface. To simplify the process and increase Helbiz-coin adoption, Helbiz Mobility Systems will integrate multiple services into a single platform including:

  1. An explorer to find available transportation options and related services; 
  2. Internal exchange to convert major cryptocur-rencies, such as bitcoin and ethereum to HelbizCoin
  3.  Built-in wallet to store and use tokens easily;

How Helbiz Mobility System Works
  •   Car Browser: Access to mobile app to search for available vehicle nearby.
  •  Verification: The system will guide you through verifying your digital identity. At the same time, vehicle owners need to verify their identity as well.
  •  Terms: You must then accept the terms and conditions, such as the cost and duration of the lease, and purchase an insurance policy covering the journey, through an unchanging smart contract.
  •  Drive: Once the terms and conditions have been agreed and the smart contract has been verified, your smartphone will have remote lock access.
  •   Payment: Payment for the service will be deducted directly from your digital wallet and will be transferred to the vehicle owner at the end of the trip.

Privacy & securityHelbiz proposes interconnection with a range of advanced services specific to vehicle owners, trans-port partners, and external services. We also solve a series of security and privacy issues, ie direct location detection or remote control. In particular, using blockchain technology it is possible to identify many solutions to these challenges. We propose an architecture based on privacy security for users, enhance the safety of the vehicle ecosystem and expand the market to all independent operators. The data provided by the vehicle has confidential information, such as location, and therefore may open new privacy challenges.Giving users ownership of the data they generate is increasingly important in terms of greater capacity to collect and analyze data from people. Given these challenges, Helbiz further proves how blockchain technology can enable privacy, trust between parties and eliminate various forms of cheating. Through recording and continuously updating all specific vehicle data; such as mileage, history of damage and GPS data and protect it in blockchain, this prevents odometer examples and title theft.




 The earliest generation of HelbizCoin is programmed by smart contracts that run on Ethereal and will be distributed as follows:
  •  4% HBZ Token (40M): will be sold during pre-sale and will be transferable when crowdsale ends.
  •  48% HBZ Token (480M): will be sold during crowdsale and will be transferable when crowdsale ends.
  •  10% HBZ Token (100M): will be allocated to the team and will be lent for 12 months.
  •  10% token HBZ (100M): will be allocated to initial supporters and advisors who have contributed to the success of the project.
  •  25% token HBZ (250M): will be allocated to the User Growth Fund to provide incentives on the use of HelbizCoin and the ecosystem bootstrap.
  • 3% HBZ token (30M): will be used to create reward program. Unused tokens will be reallocated to User Growth funds.

Genesis Tokens

To further develop the platform, Helbiz will do a token generation event that will offer 520,000,000 HBZ tokens from a total supply of 1 billion. Funds raised will be used for the development of the Helbiz platform, business development; Climbing new car owners, rentals, dealers, collaborating with insana and PR and Marketing to raise project awareness, temporary usability while at the same time building strong local communities.

Use of Funds

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Selasa, 13 Maret 2018

Kryll -automated crypto trading strategy


Since 2009, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies enjoyed a phenomenal growth in terms of public interest and valuation. Holding investors, professional traders and hobbyists all benefited in their
own ways from the amazing opportunities granted by this brave new world. Nevertheless the trading game requires time, technical knowledge, analytical skills, discipline and proficiency using
professional  tools  in  order  to  achieve  true  success.  Crypto  traders  without  all  of  this  missed  opportunities or lost a chunk of their assets in the last few years.

"  you  can  also  rent-out  your  very  own  winning  strategies  that’ll  help  fellow  traders
reach the success you did. You will be rewarded with passive income for doing so.   "

What is Kryll
 Kryll  is  the  ultimate  platform  for  cryptocurrency  traders  who  are  looking  to  use  the  most advanced trading tools and strategies, as well as the combined intelligence of the community in order to achieve the best returns in cryptocurrency markets.

The  platform  provides  intuitive  ways  to  create  your  own  trading  strategies  and  set  them  to execute  automatically. Through  a  What  You  See  Is  What  You  Trade  interface  you  can  design trading strategies making use of the industry’s most powerful tools and safely test them with backtesting and sandboxing. Once your tools prove their worth you can set them to live-trade on your behalf, taking the right .

Kryll Companion app
Once   you   connect   your   mobile   companion   app   to   the  
platform,  you  will  be  able  to  access  your  dashboard,  get 
push  notifications  regarding  your  strategy  runs  as  well
as  stay  connected  in  a  much  lower-key  manner  with  your 
crypto trading status.
It’ll be a pretty good feeling to get notified about a position
that’s been taken automagically and then sold, instead of an
alarming signal pushing you to quickly catch the opportunity
on your favorite exchange website.
Moreover   the   mobile   application   will   introduce   further  
interactions  with  the  strategies  you  designed  or  selected, 
thus  giving  you  complete  control  over  your  trades  right  in 
the palm of your hand.

Not just a great platform where you can easily build, test and run it automatically strategies. We think collective intelligence is a great asset that will make us all the more successful in the trading market. Therefore the platform will offer a market share where everyone can share the build-up strategy (as a blackbox) to be enjoyed by others in exchange for the KRL cost chosen by creator and free of platform People with excellent insight, with more time available Good intuition can help fellow traders climb the ladder of success.

Info Token


Info Team

Luca BENEVOLO : CEO / Founder / Architec
Jeremy BLOT : Community Manager
Paul COLLORAFI : CMO / Strategist
Philippe LONGERE : CTO / Founder
Fabien MABON : Backend Expert
Lisa PONS : Marketing Officer / PR
Francis PRAT : Artistic Director
 Jay SALVAT : Frontend Expert
Thomas HERLIN : Business Development Accelerator at EIT Digital
Nicolas IVALDI : Lawyer with EY / Founder at Ventury Avocats
Clement LAFORET : Scalability Expert / FreeBSD Contributor
   Millie TAING : Founder at lili.ai
Sylvain THEVENIAUD : Managing Director at Allianz Accelerator
Raphael TRONCY : Head of the Multimedia Semantics group at EURECOM
 Pui-Ching CHAU : Asian Market Consultant
 Jerôme CHIFFLET : Innovation manager with Orange Labs Research
Patrick MUSSO : Professor of Economics

More Info

Website https://kryll.io/
Twitter https://twitter.com/kryll_io
facebook https://web.facebook.com/kryll.io?_rdc=1&_rdr
Telegram https://t.me/kryll_io
Medium https://medium.com/@kryll_io
Ann ico https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?site=aHR0cDovL2FuaW1lZGV3aS5ibG9nc3BvdC5jb20v?topic=2791849.0
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